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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Performance Issues with 2 Nvidia Cards (fx 5200 and 6200)
Danimal   2005-03-14 03:46
Ok, here's my setup.

3 Dell Ultrasharp 2001fp 20.1" Flatscreen montors

MoBo: Asus A7N8X-E
Processor: Athlon XP 3200+
Memory: 1GB PC3500 433 MHz CL2 OCZ
Vid1: AGP eVGA 6200 256MB
Vid2: PCI eVGA fx 5200 128MB

PCI is set to primary on motherboard(otherwise windows crashes). In Windows, I have the DVI monitor attached to the 6200 set to primary, and the VGA to the right set as a secondary. The DVI on the 5200 goes to the monitor on the left.

I've noticed serious performance degradation in applications such as Marcromedia Flash MX 2004, espeically when scripted fonts are used. Doing things like panning etc. It gets very choppy and the application just seems to respond slower. I have the latest software patches applied, so I'm fairly sure it's not a software issue. I have the latest Nvida drivers installed, and everything else works fine. Also, when using the Dacris benchmark tool, it tells me that the 3d performace of the video card I'm using is slow (which i find hard to believe since the 6200 is a fairly new and well performing card).

Any one have any suggestions or ideas that could help with my performance of graphics applications? Is there anyway to assign the AGP as primary card without crashing windows? Does this cause any performace issues having the PCI as primary?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Danimal   2005-04-28 02:36
Martin Smallridge   2005-08-18 22:14
At a guess the issue is that the 6200TC uses the system memory to bring it up to the 256mb handling capacity.

For memory and CPU intensive apps' you're going to see a performance hit...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Performance Issues with 2 Nvidia Cards (fx 5200 and 6200)

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