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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WMV HD1080 video on two projectors - one goes blank?
HMJ   2005-03-15 08:04
Using Windows Media Video (WMV HD) player 10
And a very expensive dual head graphics card. I wanted to project one full-screen video image on the two display - NOT by cloning, but 50% split left and 50% right.

But if I ask for full screen display I only get it in one of the two displays.
If I pull the window to the middle - the one part with the smallest part of the video image will go Black, the other part will keep on playing.

What do I do ?

P4 3,6 GHz
3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm 800
DVI-D Dual link output
2 x Projection Design F1+ (Max resolution - 1400 x 1050)
Win XP pro

Tantalus   2005-03-16 02:02
you need to use a different media player. there was a previous msg thread listing some alternatives.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WMV HD1080 video on two projectors - one goes blank?

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