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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Shutdown dialog appears only on monitor two
Leonard   2005-03-15 08:43
I just set up a system to use dual monitors: Dell desktop running Win XP, Appian Typhoon card, 15" LCD as Monitor 1, and a projector as Monitor 2.

All works fine until it's time to shut down, when the dialog appears only on Mon2; this will be a problem when the projector is not on...

Any ideas?
Slackmaster K   2005-03-16 04:13
That depends. If you're using clone mode, you have an unusual and interesting issue. If you're spanning, check to ensure the projector isn't set as primary in windows display settings. Windows has a nasty habit of positioning things oddly, but dialogs like that one normally show up on the primary. If you use the projector for full screen apps or something that requires being primary, use a tool like Ultramon or Hydravision to reposition the dialogs on monitor #1.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Leonard   2005-03-16 08:52
Well, I'm new at this, so I'm not sure if it's in clone mode or not. The card supports two distinct outputs; here's the card info; Appian.

The projector is used for PowerPoint presentations, and is working as it should with the dual monitor setup. The desktop LCD is set as primary, and the second monitor has the "spread desktop" box checked.

I have Hydravision installed, and will fiddle with it some, maybe it will solve the problem. There will be times when the desktop will be used without turning on the projector, and while I can shut it down with the button on the CPU, I'd rather use the dialog. Also, other people use the machine...
Slackmaster K   2005-03-17 04:26
Clone mode is where both displays show the same thing. Extend mode is where you can drag something from one over to the other, and span mode is when they act as one really big monitor twice the size, for gaming and widescreen movie watching. From what I understand, you're probably using extend mode with the projector set as primary. The primary display is where Windows tries to send most of your pop-up dialog boxes. You can change that in Control Panel > Display > Settings; highlight the display commensurate with your projector and ensure the box 'use as primary' is checked. If the projector must be your primary, HydraVision can relocate dialogs to the monitor when they pop up.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Leonard   2005-03-19 14:33
Thanks for the help, it was a simple change in the Hydravision, now all is well!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Shutdown dialog appears only on monitor two

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