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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> P4P800 + 9700 AGP + 9200 PCI => No boot
Jan Arkesteijn   2005-03-15 19:22
I have a P4P800 with P4 3 GHz and dual 512 =>1024 MB RAM
and ATI 9700 pro AGP card and a Creative Audigy 2 in PCI slot 4
and additional network card in PCI slot 5.
This works like a charm with W XP pro
I do not use any overclocking

As soon as I add an ATI 9200 PCI video card the system will
no longer boot, not even produce any POST beeps :-((

Any clues to solve this ???

See you, Jan
khariv   2005-03-16 01:06
Have you tried the obvious of removing the other PCI cards to see if that allows booting. You'll probably have to juggle around the cards to get a configuration which will work. From my personal experience, I had to ditch the Audigy and go back to on board sound because my RAID card and the Audigy were taking up too much bandwitdth (I guess) and there was a LOT of static on the sound card.

Also, why do you need 2 network connections? My experience in setting up 2 three monitor systems has led me to the conclusion that you should have as few PCI cards in there as possible to cut down on conflicts.

Tantalus   2005-03-16 02:28
it's not that unusual anymore to have a second NIC on the machine...all my machines have a minimum of 2 NICS and some have 3.

yes, as khariv mentioned you will need to experiment with removing and installing the various PCI cards and in different slots. uninstall the drivers for all the pci cards. power down & remove all the pci cards and start installing each card again beginning with the pci video.

before you do all that though, did you try setting the pci card as primary (initialize first) in the BIOS?

i've gotten 4 pci cards (2 NIC, 1 video, 1 sound)to work in conjunction with an agp card so it is possible.
Jan Arkesteijn   2005-03-17 06:51
Did some more tests today, also inspired by the above replies. Uninstalled relevant drivers and took out all PCI cards and tried with only AGP and the PCI VGA card on several slots. The problem is that whatever I do, I do not even see this card in the device manager or Aida32 or Sisoft Sandra.
I also tried to change PCI/AGP priority but also no luck.
Also the PSU is powerful enough with its 460 W.
And only a few days ago it worked like charm in another PC.
Is something wrong wiith the P4P800 Mobo ?

Any help would be appreciated
See you, Jan
Tantalus   2005-03-17 14:53
it's very unusual to hear that the 9200 pci doesn't work with the 9700.

>>tried with only AGP and the PCI VGA card on several slots. The problem is that whatever I do, I do not even see this card in the device manager or Aida32 or Sisoft Sandra. I also tried to change PCI/AGP priority but also no luck

in all of this troubleshooting did you try installing & setting the the pci card as primary and not have the agp plugged in at all (uninstall the agp driver beforehand)? also, do not plug the pci card into the slot next to the agp.

during all this testing, disable any bios or ram shadowing as well. if you have any optimized settings turn them off set the board to use factory (fail-sure) defaults. what is your agp aperature set to, btw?

i am sure there's a way to get this to work...maybe not with the sound card and extra nic installed as well, but i have a hard time believing the pci and agp won't co-exist peasfully unless it's some design flaw with one or the other.
Tantalus   2005-03-17 14:54
use factory (fail-sure) defaults.

should read:

use factory (fail-safe) defaults.
Tantalus   2005-03-17 15:01
btw, what version of the ati drivers are you using?
ECarlson   2005-03-17 16:34
Make sure you have the latest BIOS on your motherboard before trying to reinstall the PCI card. Then, if that alone doesn't fix the problem, try the PCI without the AGP card as Tantalus suggested. And let us know what happens.

- Eric,
Jan Arkesteijn   2005-03-18 05:18
Thanks again everybody for your input
I upgraded my BIOS yesterday and also took out the AGP card so only the PCI with the ATI 9200 was left.
And . . . it produced still no picture 8-((

So I decided enough is enough and went searching for my Nvidia fx5200 PCI card that I should have somewhere in a drawer. Installed the AGP ATI 9700 and the Nvidia fx5200 in PCI slot 1, added old drivers to prevent any ATI-Nvidia driver conflict (see the 'Shonk' thread on this forum) and voila 4 monitors alive ;-))
Then added the Creartive Audigy in slot 4 and a network card in slot 3 and everthing is working like a charm now

I think there is a conflict between the P4P800 mobo and the PCI Club3D/ATI 9200 card. Anybody else can confirm this (or deny) ?

See you, Jan
Tantalus   2005-03-18 10:55
glad to hear that you're up and running...albeit with a different card. :-)

are you positive the ati card is not defective?did you ever test the card in another machine to verify that it works 100%?
Tantalus   2005-03-18 10:57
by card i;m referring to the the previous post is the 9200 pci, of course.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> P4P800 + 9700 AGP + 9200 PCI => No boot

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