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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games on Secondary monitor?
Jeremy   2005-03-17 12:05
My question is simple. Is there a way to make games play on the secondary monitor (only). The reason I ask is because I have an HD ready tv so I set clone mode for games, but overlay mode for movies looks like crap, so I extend my desktop onto the tv and play the movie that way. which is nice cuz i can do whatever on my monitor and it doesn't affect the movie.

So basically I want to leave it in extend mode, and when I start a game have it on the TV. Thanks for any input.
ECarlson   2005-03-17 16:30
Set the TV as primary, then run the game. You can always set it back after you're done with the game.

- Eric,
Jeremy   2005-03-17 20:13
Well yeah but that's just as much effort and time as setting the tv to clone mode and back. I'm looking for a way to avoid changing that.
Chitac   2005-03-20 05:00
So Ultramon is ideal for this on each icon or program in there properties you can choose the primary monitor. when you exit it's revert to the original setting
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games on Secondary monitor?

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