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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't seem to configure monitors correctly...
Sam   2005-03-18 06:31
I've been using Ultramon successfully for about a year now and just upgraded video cards from an ATI Radeon 8500 64MB to a nVidia GeForce ti4600 128MB and now I can't seem to get my monitors configured properly to display in the right order. Basically, my monitor that I want on the left with my Windows start bar, icons, etc. is on the right monitor and the secondary one is on the left. How can I switch this?? I thought it was just a matter of going to the display properties and dragging the monitor icon to the other side but that isn't doing anything at all. Any suggestions??
Sam   2005-03-18 06:40
nm, I got it. It's kinda picky isn't it? You've got to configure it in just the order.
keith   2005-03-18 06:41
Switch your monitors around then
Tantalus   2005-03-18 10:50
>>I thought it was just a matter of going to the display properties and dragging the monitor icon to the other side but that isn't doing anything at all.

no, all you're doing when you drag the monitor position is you're changing the orientation of the screens, ie. which display the mouse will scroll to when it crosses display boundaries.

to reverse the positioning of the desktop icons & taskbar from one display to the other requires that you change the designated primary display under Display properties. that would be the only sure-fire way to fix this.
ECarlson   2005-03-19 13:58
I usually just drag the icons and taskbar to whichever monitor I want them on. It doesn't have to be primary, but it usually is. I have noticed that I sometimes have to move them a second time after the next restart, but I never have to redo it again after subsequent restarts.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can't seem to configure monitors correctly...

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