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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary and secondary monitors
keith   2005-03-19 20:11
On a dual head graphics card, is 1 output designated as primary and the other secondary or are they both the same? Thanks.

ECarlson   2005-03-20 04:18
That sounds like a question of semantics, so it is difficult to answer. In Windows, you can set either output to primary, but in some other situations, one output might take precedence over the other. In clone mode, they both display the same thing, so the questions doesn't seem relevant in that case. Some cards have asymmetrical outputs, like the the Matrox G450 and G550, where one output has a faster RAMDAC than the other, but you can still chose which is primary in Windows.

Does that answer your question? If not, please provide a little more information about what you would like to know.

- Eric,
keith   2005-03-20 06:55
Thankyou for your response. Yes I am happy that either can be configured for primary now you have explained.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary and secondary monitors

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