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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video span across 3 screens
Chad   2005-03-21 08:55
I have a matrox parhelia 256mb agp 8x.
1.5gb 3400 memory
amd 64bit 3400+

Is there any way to play video across three screens in span mode.

Slackmaster K   2005-03-21 11:19
No. Spanning across three displays is NOT the primary (and only) alluring functionality of the Parhelia. They purposefully tricked you into thinking you could span three screens.

Just kidding. Isn't span mode in their software somewhere, or in the display properties advanced dialog?

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Chad   2005-04-28 05:44
Well I got it to work.
There is no option to span video so to call it.

The weird thing about it is say I start up powerdvd and start the dvd it will play on the middle screen and a lil on the other two.
But if I start up a program called "camfrog"
Witch is a video chat program and be in a room with once video feed comming through and then start power dvd I get full screen.

Please let me know if you figuar out why or how is does that.

jet   2005-04-30 15:33
Open the Matrox PowerDesk - HF and select Video Playback Settings. Then uncheck the Use video overlay. It will ask to reboot for this setting. Once you have rebooted you will now be able to watch any size window movie on any of the three monitors or after running the dvd with powerDVD, right click on the movie and select full screen. That will stretch the movie across all three screens. You may have the 3 inch black widescreen bars on top and bottom so right click on the movie and select Pan&Scan and select either 2.35:1 or 1.85:1 to fill all three monitors. I use this on my Parhelia APV express card when I watch my movies. This will be about my 10th time I have explained this on this site.

Alex   2005-04-30 22:27
Hello Jet...!

My name is Alex;living in Holland.(The Netherlands) Today is sunday,and i'am about to buy an expensive (against my will..!!!) PARHELIA 128 Mb multimonitor card; so i can enjoy of my Flight Simulator with THREE MONITORS instead of the 2 i'am using now....
Does this card work more or less the same as the other cards wich you can move your cursor or windows from one monitor to the other? Hope you will give me some "wise advise" before me giving away 300 euro's... :-(

Thanks in advance!

The Netherlands.
jet   2005-05-01 12:22

I have been using the Parhelia AGP 8X for two years and now the Parhelia APV express in my new system that I built. You will be able to move your mouse and all your window to any screen you like or you can have one window stretched accross all three screens like Office excel and access. I usually run three or four programs at a time on all the screens. I use it for multimonitor games and single monitor games. The only two games that are slow are Half life 2 and Doom 3, that I realy like. When I want to play them , I switch over to my Ati 700 card and play on the other LCD Monitor inputs. The card is easy to install as is the drivers. You will not have problems trying to get differant cards and drivers to work together. Also the PowerDesk HF has Performance settings and Desktop Management to set which monitors programs open on and Lot more. Hope this helps.....Jet

Alex   2005-05-01 21:46
Hi Jet.....!

Thank you for the rapid answer. My e-mail adress is;
It is 12:43 AM this moment in Holland,and on monday mornings all business are closed till 1:00PM. So within a few moments i go for my so long admired "PARHELIA"...! :-)

If you like i can send you a picture of my "set-up" after installing the 3'rd monitor. Otherwise thanks a lot,and have a nice day!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video span across 3 screens

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