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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors both show monitor 1 information
Scott K   2005-03-23 02:26
Both of my monitors display the monitor one video. I've got a Radeon 9200SE, monitor 1 is connected to the VGA connection and monitor 2 is connected to the DVI slot using a dvi to vga adapter. All the drivers have installed without error. The display settings show a 2 monitor setup and properly identifies both monitors as one and two. However both monitors only display monitor 1 video. I can chose to "Extend" my windows over both monitors and I can see the function is working because the mouse will run off the screen of monitor one into outer space. But since monitor two video is not being displayed I don't see the "Extended" windows. It seems as though both displays are cloned and I can't unclone them. Any ehlp is appreciated!

Scott Kleinhesselink
keith   2005-03-23 17:15
Have you checked the ati graphics driver and disabled clone mode?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors both show monitor 1 information

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