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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse on multiples
Dolores Palomo   2005-03-25 12:26
As you can see, I'm having problems getting my reinstalled system to work. I've got the mutiple monitors to work (still can't change resolutions), but the mouse is driving me batty because it won't move freely between monitors. I had to use the UltraMon hotkey. I'm swearing all the time at it. Is there some kind of utility for this? It's a fairly new logitech mouse.

boxface   2005-03-25 13:18
The problem I could see that maybe you have your monitors numbered wrong.

Lets say you've got 2 monitors next to eachother, the left monitor being Monitor 1 and the right monitor being Monitor 2. Check in windows that monitor 2 isnt set to the left and monitor 1 to the right. Causes you to have to scroll to the other side of the screen to get to the next monitor.
Dolores Palomo   2005-03-26 01:32
That's what it was. I was switching them in the settings box so that the numbers matched the kind of monitor it is, but apparently that doesn't matter.


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse on multiples

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