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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games hogging half my second monitor!!
Dominic   2005-03-30 07:12
hi, longtime read, first time poster.

I run ultra mon with a nvidia geforce4MX and a nvidia geforce2 440MX with a 21" and 17" CRT monitors. Awesome.

Ive only just got it setup and tis only now ive wanted to use games. Most of the time, i have my simpsons collection playing full screen on my secondary (17") monitor whilst working, or i have internet explorer/msn windows open all over them both!

But anyways, now the novelty sized desktop has worn off, i want to play a game! but for some reason whenever i load up a game, it takes up the primary monitor, and half the secondary monitor. This knocks my simpsons out of full screen (shock horror!) and then stops the video being displayed. Its still playing, because the sound is still there and the progress bar is still moving. The game still entirely runs on the primary monitor and leaves about half the secondary monitor black.

even if i set it up under the shortcut thingy it still does it..any help?
Tom   2005-03-30 15:45
Did you try running the game at the same resolution as the primary monitor? Or setting the primary monitor's resolution to the same as the game uses?

My system's details/photo
Dominic   2005-03-30 19:29
ok, so i've managed to stop it hogging half the secondary... but it still wont show video on the second monitor whilst im playing a game on the first.

Also, is there anyway to stop it minimising the game when i click on the other application. For example, ive got trackmania (a kikass 3d racing game) loaded on the primary monitor, and my desktop ont he secondary. so i click on the desktop on the second one and it minimises trackmania:(. so i maximise trackmania and try click on the shortcut to windows media player (which loads on the secondary) and once again it minimises everythin. ok, so WMP is open and ive maximised trackmania once again, so i select my (simpsons) playlist and ONCE AGAIN!! it minimises it. anyway to stop this?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games hogging half my second monitor!!

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