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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> question about gaming with dual monitors and use of AIM
nate   2005-04-06 01:34
Hi all!
I am trying to run World of Warcraft on a main monitor and then AIM and webrowsing on a second monitor. I have a radeon 9800 Pro card already running dual monitors. I am curious if this UltraMon software will allow me to run the game on one screen and AIM and whatever else on the other. AND allow me to switch between the two monitors all without minimizing my game screen. Mainly for the purpose of replying to an incomming AIM or checking a website. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks to all that take the time to look at my little dillema!
nate   2005-04-06 02:02
gah... guess I should have searched better. Looks like no luck for me and the gaming public. dang! so close!
Tantalus   2005-04-06 02:36
if you run the game as a windowed app, you shouldn't have any problems.
dave   2005-04-06 23:30
only if windowed. if it's fullscreen then you have a 50/50 chance that the game locks the boundaries of your mouse and you will be unable to move the cursor to the other screen anyhow
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> question about gaming with dual monitors and use of AIM

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