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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UltraMon on IBM X40 laptop?
Daniel   2005-04-08 18:44

Ive tried using UltraMon with my Ibm x40 laptop (graphics: Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME), but I cant get any of the functions to work.

Perhaps the graphicscontroller in the laptop doesnt support dual screens in this way? It is capable of displaying the exact same content on an external screen as on the laptopscreen, though, but they are both identified as screen 1, so..

ECarlson   2005-04-09 02:19
If it can display 2 separate things, you should get that working before installing UltraMon. UltraMon doesn't give you the ability to run separate displays, it just adds useability features to existing multi-monitor configurations. So you first need to determine if your card can support separate displays, and if so, how to enable that mode.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UltraMon on IBM X40 laptop?

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