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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with Dual Monitor on Windows 2000, Radeon 9250 - Can't set individual resolutions
Nath   2005-04-09 10:45
System Details
Windows 2000 sp4 (5.0.2195)
Connect 3d Radeon 9250 128mb

Catalyst: 05.4
2d Driver:
Catalyst Control Center: 1.1.1907.42467

I can run dual monitor fine, but the only options available to me are:

Clone (Presentation)
Horizontal Stretch

There seems to be a hole for the third one on the wizard, but it's not available to me. I believe this is the one I need to be able to set individual resolutions/refresh rates. At the moment I'm runnin at horizontal stretch which is OK, but the second monitor is old and doesnt support the res I want to go to on the main one.

Any one have any ideas how I can get this option enabled?

Also windows seems to like to install a third monitor "Default Monitor" tho I only have 2 attached, I suspect this has something to do with my problem?

Would my life be easier on XP?

Tantalus   2005-04-09 11:41
there should be an extended desktop mode option when you run the catalyst desktop setup wizard.
Nath   2005-04-09 11:51
Nope... it's missing.

Just clone and horizontal.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with Dual Monitor on Windows 2000, Radeon 9250 - Can't set individual resolutions

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