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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2x CRT on 2 different PCI cards??
kub!s   2005-04-10 23:56
I have a problem. I have an old motherboard with no AGP slot and i need 2 monitors to show the same picture on this system. Can I use 2 old PCI cards (e.g. S3) in Win98SE? It's always AGP + PCI.. but I never read about PCI + PCI.. and even in win98SE. Does it work? or do i need dualhead card (Matrox G200MMS or G400)?
Looking forward to your answers. Thank u very much.
Best regerds,

Tantalus   2005-04-11 04:02
>>Can I use 2 old PCI cards (e.g. S3) in Win98SE?

yes, you can use 2 PCI cards but you won't be able to have both screens showing the same contents unless you use software such as ultramon (via the mirroring option which incidentally i;ve never used)

the alternative would be to buy a dual output pci card which will let you do the same provided you use the bundled drivers/software.
PHLN   2005-04-11 14:46
Thanks for reply...

Compromise was needed... Decided to junk the two 172x and went with a 20 inch BenQ in order to retain the TV (soon to be HDTV) output capability...
PHLN   2005-04-11 14:47
Wrong thread... Sorry...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2x CRT on 2 different PCI cards??

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