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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> watching movies on two monitors - plz help
fresh   2005-04-14 21:16
i've been trying to figure out how to 'span' a movie onto my new monitor for quite some time, i have been to forums and the like, but nowhere can i find exactly how to do it.

can someone please help

i have a radeon9800

Josh   2005-04-16 18:06
Your card doesn't support it. video playback can only be done on one monitor at a time with that card.
Slackmaster K   2005-04-17 22:18
I believe you can with the new Catalyst Control Center (download from, I believe you need Catalyst 5.3 or 5.4). I tried it on my 9700 and it was all ugly and choppy, framerates dropped by about 2/3. It involves spanning the two screens together and fooling windows into thinking they're one wide monitor.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> watching movies on two monitors - plz help

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