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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors: it doesnt work! (using 1 agp- and 1 pci-graphic card)
infra   2005-04-20 03:00

i hope that somebody can help me.
I'm using 2 monitors with my asus v9999gt-graphic card, but i've got 3 monitors and so one of them isnt in use cause i'm not able to connect 3 monitors to my graphic card.

I decided to look for a second pci-graphic card and now i found an old one. i connected my third monitor to the new (or old) graphic card to see what happens..
I saw something on the third monitor, so the new graphic card should work correctly, but .. when the pci-graphic card is connected to my system, the other 2 monitors are signalless.
Furthermore the OS dont want to load correcly. I'm using win xp with sp1. I think you know this bootscreen with this loading-bar. it loads for 2 seconds i guess and then it always stops and the screen freezes.

Why do i only get a picture at the monitor which is connected to the pci-graphic card and why the OS don't load correctly while the pci-graphic card is plugged in?

Thanks for help.. and sorry for my english.
Seahorse   2005-04-20 05:06
Are they nVidia cards, if so:

Download current 'official' nVidia drivers - 71.84 as of today.

Uninstall all graphics drivers, in control panel.


In BIOS set AGP primary (WinXP/XP64) or PCI if 98/ME/.


Cancel any 'New hardware detected dialogues.

Instal Forceware 71.84s - ONCE - it runs both cards.

Follow steps in nView Wizard.

If the nView wizard fails to run and you are looking at one monitor:

Right click desktop, properties, settings, advanced, GForce tab, nView settings on pop out menu, select Dual view (for monitors hanging off primary card - I'm guessing 2).

Close this.

Back to Settings click on each monitor individually and set up resolution and refresh rates as appropriate. Tick 'Extend my desktop onto this monitor' box if blank on monitors 2 and 3.

Some older PCI cards prefer to be the Primary in BIOS, try this if option 1 fails.

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
infra   2005-04-20 05:31

thanks for now, but my PCI-graphic card isnt a one with a nvidia-chipset. this thing is really old.. something around 1995. in the manager its called "S3 Trio32/64".

I just tried out to change the primary-graphic-settings. with the pci as primary, windows doesnt boot and with the agp as primary the monitors which are connected to my normal agp-graphic card work as they ever do and the OS is working normally. the pci-graphic card has error code 10 then ("cant start").

:| what else can i do?
infra   2005-04-22 01:11
plz.. can anyone help me?? :((
Crow   2005-04-22 02:48
I think it's the pci card.
I tried a multi monitor setup with a S3 trio32 as well. I couldn't get it to work. Maybe these cards don't work with newer windows-versions. But that's only a guess...
infra   2005-04-22 06:15
i see, thanks.
i bet you guess right, coz what else should be wrong that windows dont boot with the use of this card.

are they cheap cards which are known as functionally with windows xp? which?
Crow   2005-04-23 07:45
I got an ATI Radeon 7500 PCI with DVI and TV-out for 20 bucks at ebay. But if you don't need TV-out there are cheaper ones.
You might want to check out the database before your actually buy a card.
infra   2005-04-24 06:33
Which database? :)
Crow   2005-04-24 10:00
The "Compatibility Database" of this site.

infra   2005-05-21 05:55
I tried it again and now the S3-graca seems to work correctly (its possible to start up windows with pci as primary).
But now.. how to use all 3 monitors at the same time? When I start up with the S3-pci-graphic card I can't get my geforce 6800GT working (error code 10 - cannot start device or something like this). Same with the S3-thingy when I set the agp-slot to primary and start up with the 2 monitors connected to the geforce-card. :|

What can I do?
infra   2005-06-20 23:35
I tried it now with am old ATI pci graphic card but its the same with it.
Can boot with pci graphic card but can't start the agp graphic card then. same when i boot with the agp (can't start the pci).

How can i get both graphic cards working at the same time? i just installed ultramon now.
infra   2005-06-21 19:47
Why nobody can help me? All of you got 3 monitors or more working and nobody can tell me how to set it up? i cant get it.. :[

sorry for my tone, but i start to be a little bit angry because of this stuff doesnt want to work. :|
Tantalus   2005-06-22 07:09
it's not that nobody wants to help you...but you actually don't tell us what you did to try to troubleshoot it.

in your case, you have a very specific error condition. you've already mentioned that you are seeing error code #10 which basically means the windows device manager cannot allocate resources to the driver. you fix this and you fix your problem.

error code #10 can be anything related to the number of pci devices you have in your machine, to specific hardware issues with certain models of video cards (particularly the older models), to even certain motheboard idiosyncrasies (usually chipset related).

it is not conveniently possible for one of us more knowledgeable people to intimately help you because it would take a tremendous amount of back and forth emails asking if you did this or that or if you tried this or that. as a last resort, you might have to reserve certain irq's or disabled rom shadowing to free up the necessary system resources. depending on your hardware and system level expertise, this may be beyond your skill set.

you mentioned that you used an older ati card...yet you don't list the model which means there isn't a lot of information for us to work with. try a newer pci video card since apparently your hardware is not very forgiving with older cards.
infra   2005-06-22 21:37
Well then.
The ATI card i used is a "ATI-264VT2 PCI".
Do i have to install drivers? Maybe i must unsinstall the current working drivers of my asus v9999gt and reinstall them then? Or something like that? I didnt it yet.

Is there a cheap card which works ever? :)
maro   2005-06-22 22:21
I had ame problems.
You must set Video Boot card at PCI level.
When you are in windows xp update driver for S4
inserting Xp cd and install from it automatically.
On my pc this you can add another screen to your pc.
infra   2005-06-23 03:29
Driver for S4? What do you mean?
Do i have to uninstall my ASUS V9999GT driver first?
How to add another screen then?
Tantalus   2005-06-25 03:33
>>The ATI card i used is a "ATI-264VT2 PCI"

jeez, that car is circa 1996. what OS are you running and does it provide native driver support for that card? and i assume that you've looked on the ati site for whatever latest driver there is for your OS.

generally, the rule of thumb is you want to get your agp card working first and installing your pci card and troubleshooting from there. for something that old, you might have to do it pci first, then agp.

try both ways and let us know what errors you see in device manager.
Tantalus   2005-06-25 03:38
and if you're not that strapped on cash, you should think about buying a newer pci card if you continue to have problems getting that pci card to work with your current config. the card you're using didn't have much video memory and will limit your display options (color palette) at higher resolutions.

new single display pci cards can found for $20-40.
infra   2005-07-09 06:04
>>and i assume that you've looked on the ati site for whatever latest driver there is for your OS.

my nvidia driver for the agp card AND a ati driver for the pci card must be installed at the same time? surely there are conflicts then, eh?
.. and: a grahic card should work without installed drivers for it too, or not (without a high resolution and color spectrum)?

i inserted my xp disc (xp home) and looked for a driver for the ati card on it with the help of the hardwareupdate-assist-thing but it didnt found any drivers on the cd.

i surfed to the ati web page but i couldnt find anything about my pci graphic card.. especially no driver. the ati site really sucks i think. :)
well, i downloaded a driver for the card then with the help of google. i just installed it by clicking on the .exe. now a driver is installed but when i click the pci card in the device manager and refresh the driver for the device by choosing the driver on my own i only get back error code 10 again. when i choose the driver on my own there are 2 options but it doesnt work with both of them. i dont know whether this 2 entries were listed there before i installed the driver for the pci card with the downloaded .exe. maybe they are not belong to it but i dont know what i can do else.

whats next?
>>you might have to do it pci first, then agp.

what that means? do i have to uninstall my agp graphic driver and the new pci card driver too and then install the pci driver first?
Tantalus   2005-07-09 09:43
>>surely there are conflicts then, eh?

no, many of us have been able to get nvidia and ati cards to work in the same system w/o any problems. each card has a different chipset, thus there must be two separate drivers that have to be loaded.

>>.. and: a grahic card should work without installed drivers for it too, or not (without a high resolution and color spectrum)?

provided that the driver loaded doesn't conflict with system resources. the fact that you're seeing an error code when you have both cards installed is proof-positive that windows refuses recognize the other device because there is a conflict.

you should check the database under Resources and find a pci card that will work with your agp card.
Loz   2005-07-23 05:16
Hi i have a simialr problem but only want 1 monitor. I bought a Nvidia TNT2 32MB 64 just so i can play an online game, b4 i get my new computer. I have no disk and have tried 2 install the latest drivers frm the nvidea site and this isnt wrking.

Iv used older drivers, they install but still i get a 'code 10' and time from time the card will wrk in start up for a while but there is no start menu @ the bottom. I belive the computer is trying 2 multi-monitor the onboard 16bit graphics chip, but want this new crd 2 work solely and consistantly. Any Help

Thanxs Loz
infra   2005-07-24 21:25
Now i made it. :) I got my 3 monitors working now and i'm very happy. :D

But.. i've got a problem with ultramon now.. when i activate the smart taskbar it drops me a smart taskbar to my primary monitor too (so that i have 2 taskbars on it - the original one and the smart taskbar of ultramon). what can i do? i want the smart taskbar only on monitor 2 and 3. :|
infra   2005-07-25 02:46
Ok, got fixed this Problem with the taskbar.. just right click on it and select 'close'. :D

but, i've got som new problems:
the microsoft-driver i installed for the card (ATI-264VT2 PCI, Code "Mach64") is very lame (or the card, but i think its the driver.. or maybe something different?). Windows (not the os - the windows themself) lag when i drag them arround, poor graphic applications are lagging hard and some videos dont play.

Why? Ist the card this slow, the microsoft driver for it bad or is there another problem?And where can i get a driver? I cannot find one. :|
infra   2005-07-25 03:16
Arh, this card has only 2mb as i just saw. maybe thats the reason?
farmerjoe   2005-07-25 08:06
Can you tell us what you did to get it to work?

im trying to get the same ATI card to work
infra   2005-07-25 20:58
I uninstalled ALL graphic drivers first. Then I setted PCI to primary and started up. Now I installed a driver for the ATI-card from my xp disc. After that I rebooted and then I installed the newest GeForce-driver for my ASUS-card. After a reboot both cards worked together.

But sometimes I've got the problem that my computer freezes or turn off and restart while the xp loading screen is displayed. I had this problem with some older graphic cards too. Is there a solution? Is it a bug? Is it my fault?

Please tell me whether your card is this slow too when you get it to work.
yods   2005-08-02 19:31
hey infra
i think you'll find that all PCI graphics cards will lag a little bit. I run 3-4 monitors (radeon 9600 in AGP and radeon 9200 in PCI) and even with this "new" card there is still a noticeable speed difference between the cards. When i was using a 2mb pci card i found i couldnt play movies in that window which is why i upgraded.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors: it doesnt work! (using 1 agp- and 1 pci-graphic card)

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