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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI Express cards with multiple monitors
Darren   2005-04-25 15:14
I have a new Dell PC that I would like to configure with multiple monitors (3 to be exact). The machine has a PCI Express x16 slot, so I'm trying to find a PCIe video card that supports multiple monitors. But the only one I can find is the ATI FireMV 2400. Trouble is that I can't find a local supplier that has even heard of it, let alone stocks it.

Would a dual-head PCI card such as the Matrox G450 coexist with the integrated video hardware to give me 3 monitors? Or is there a better way?

Thanks for any advice.
Celerex   2005-04-26 17:59
You want a single card to handle 3 monitors? I believe your only option are the high end workstation cards like the Matrox and the ATI pro cards. These will kill any budget you might have. If your DELL has built in video you may be able to add a dual head standard gaming card and use those 3 ports. Otherwise, a PCI-E + PCI card may be your only choice. Check for the integrated video and find out if you can use it in conjunction with an addon card. I know some DELL's have this little cable thingy adapter you can connect to some port and give you dual monitors outa the box. No idea how that works though.

- Matt
elvis   2007-02-06 12:44

I got mine from this guy for 210.00

+ 4 bucks shipping

dont fool around add this card and it a done deal

u can run 2,3 or 4 monitors

I have a dell 4700 works great
Anla-shok   2007-02-06 15:28
Does this unit support DirectX9? I recently upgraded my system to VistaUltimate, and my extra pci card was not supported. So I went from a four screen array, to a two screen, and am not happy. But my understanding is the FireMVs are only 2D cards, so Vista Aero would not work. Which sucks because the FireGL looks like a solution, but no Vista drivers I can find.

elvis   2007-02-06 17:55
This is not a card for gameing yes its only 2D

I have XP not sure about vista
Chris   2007-02-07 02:53
That thing w\you refer to is similar to a HDMI port...but diferent setup, and it can be split into 2 seperate dvi signals...resulting in multiple monitors.
glenn   2007-03-26 07:39
what card did you purchase on ebay to use 4 monitors as extended screen?
Brook   2007-03-29 03:07
NVidia Quadro or Colorgraphic cards.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI Express cards with multiple monitors

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