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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI Cards as PRIMARY in bios
Celerex   2005-04-26 16:05
I've been doing some reading on this forum and I've noticed a few things. Some people notice slow redraw on their secondary video card. I have an AGP and a PCI video card (see below for specs). The PCI has one monitor whilst the AGP has 2 monitors connected to it. The AGP monitors update as they should but the PCI one is noticably slower! If I were to use the PCI card on it's own it's lickity split so I know it's not the card.

I've heard setting the PCI card to being the primary card in the bios can resolve this issue but this brings up the question of what happens in windows for games. Will the AGP card suffer preformance as it's not considered the primary card? Are there any other methods of speeding up the PCI card given my config?

AMD XP 2200+ Barton
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe (nForce 2 Ultra northbridge)
1024MB Corsair Low Latency PC3200 RAM
2x Maxtor 120GB SATA Drives in Raid 0
ATI Radeon 9800 XT 8xAGPw/ 256MB RAM
- DVI: Dell UltraScan 1704FPT 17" LCD Panel (1280x1024)
- VGA: Philips Brilliance 109P4 19" CRT (1600x1200)
ATI Radeon 9250 PCI w/ 256MB RAM
- VGA: Philips Brilliance 109P4 19" CRT (1600x1200)
- DVI: Disabled

Any help would be awesome!

- Matt
Slackmaster K   2005-04-27 00:36
I've been doing some reading on this forum and I've noticed a few things. Some people notice slow redraw on their secondary video card. I have an AGP and a PCI video card (see below for specs). The PCI has one monitor whilst the AGP has 2 monitors connected to it. The AGP monitors update as they should but the PCI one is noticably slower! If I were to use the PCI card on it's own it's lickity split so I know it's not the card.

The issues I've noticed have beem primarily moving a window from the secondary to the primary or to another secondary. I think Windows is giving a higher priority to the BIOS primary, because switching the Windows primary to the PCI card doesn't cause lag on the AGP card.

I've heard setting the PCI card to being the primary card in the bios can resolve this issue but this brings up the question of what happens in windows for games. Will the AGP card suffer preformance as it's not considered the primary card? Are there any other methods of speeding up the PCI card given my config?

As long as your good card is set to primary in Windows, it shouldn't matter what your BIOS is set to. As far as your game is concerned (most games anyway), your Windows Primary is your only monitor. It will still use any special new Dx9 instructions and max out your vid card, according to the benchmarks I've used; although this will cause some additional lag on your logical secondaries. For instance, on my 5-screen setup, I like to be able to watch Outlook, Taskmgr, Trillian, and my downloads in the background, and they all get a little choppy.

AMD XP 2200+ Barton
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe (nForce 2 Ultra northbridge)
1024MB Corsair Low Latency PC3200 RAM
2x Maxtor 120GB SATA Drives in Raid 0
ATI Radeon 9800 XT 8xAGPw/ 256MB RAM
- DVI: Dell UltraScan 1704FPT 17" LCD Panel (1280x1024)
- VGA: Philips Brilliance 109P4 19" CRT (1600x1200)
ATI Radeon 9250 PCI w/ 256MB RAM
- VGA: Philips Brilliance 109P4 19" CRT (1600x1200)
Not far off from my own config. I run:
AMD XP Barton 2800+
1.25GB Kingston DDR266 (2x512 + 256)
Asus A7N8X Deluxe
7x WD1200 120GB HDD (2x RAID 0)
2x (Generic 40GB)
2x (Generic 20GB)
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro
> NEC MultiSync XP21 21" 1920x1200
> IBM P260 21" 1920x1200
ATI Radeon 7500 PCI
> Samsung SyncMaster 955DF 19" 1920x1200
> AOC 19" 1920x1200
ATI XPert 128 PCI
> Symphonic 19" TV 1024x768

Gallery entry:

More pics at much better quality at: > April 2005 Page

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Slackmaster K   2005-04-27 00:43
Oh, BTW, on the gallery pic the far-right monitor isn't on the main sys. It KVM's into a few of my secondary computers. If you run at least 3 monitors in landscape config (side by side by side and so on), check out that starfield screen saver! The config on there is a bit old, the TV used to be above one of the other screens. Total resolution now 8704x1200; my desktop is 7 feet wide!

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Celerex   2005-04-27 03:13
I've set the PCI card to be the bios primary though my PCI vid card is pretty low when it comes to what PCI port I'm using, this have any affect?

I notice application redraws are the slowest. I can watch movies and tv without difficulty and typing in documents is fine. Switching applications on the monitor on the PCI card (here after refered to as M3) has a noticable redraw time. ALl the controls take a while to redraw (a while being relative). Moving apps from M3 to any of the other monitors or vice versa also has a slow redraw affect but I've found that the affect is almost identical to that as though I'm resizing one of the windows on M3. Anyone else have any experience with this? It's merely application windows that take a long time.

- Matt
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI Cards as PRIMARY in bios

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