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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any fix for the gamma/brightness issue when running D3D/OpenGL games?
Nebben   2005-04-28 16:52
Whenever I run a 3D game, the gamma settings within that game also affect the other monitor. Hence, when I'm playing Quake 3, for example, my other monitor is INCREDIBLY BRIGHT. It's blinding to my eyes. My only current fix is to disable my other monitor when gaming, but is there any way to make that monitor independent as far as brightness/gamma?

This happens when I run another monitor off my main card (6600GT) and also when I run it with a totally different card using totally different drivers.
shortcake   2005-05-02 00:58
I have the exact same problem. I had posted earlier and never received a response. Sure wish someone could help us out.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any fix for the gamma/brightness issue when running D3D/OpenGL games?

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