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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI says No to two Radeon Products in same Box
Pat   2005-04-28 17:04

I am getting a new machine with a ATI 600 Radeon. I will need three monitors, so I thought I'd ask them if they have a known config. Heres what I got..any comments please - I'll still need to add another card?


We have responded to your issue.

Solution: Unfortuantely, having two Radeon products in the same system is not a supported configuration. If you are looking for a card that can support more than dual monitors, please refer to the following links:
Slackmaster K   2005-04-28 19:49
They gave me the same BS. However, I have a known config. Browse on over to
Gallery #601. My system runs an ATI Radeon 9700, ATI Radeon 7500, and ATI Rage/XPert 128 for a total of five screens and 8704x1200 pixels. My desktop is seven feet wide, so yes it will work; but no ATI won't help you. Other than that you can go to this site's user database (under Home > Ultramon somewhere), it will bring up a list of people who have registered the same base specs. You can search specifically for users who have multi Radeons and problems they've had.

Guys, anyone else care to pitch in?

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
fedder   2005-04-29 20:39
I got this back from them in sep. 2004

Thank you for contacting ATI Customer Care Canada.

Your email has been assigned:

Please include the above identifier in all future correspondence
relating to this ticket. Note: The TicketGUID identifier must appear
in the message body, not in the subject line.
Regarding CCC for two video cards:

Currently there are no plans to support multiple cards in one system.

Regarding managing more than one monitor in games:

This is currently supported in some games.

Regarding SLI like interface:

With PCI Express it is possible but nothing has been announced yet.


Rick Carman
Customer Care
ATI Technologies, Inc.

lets hope things change, with the new R520 comming ??
Pat   2005-04-30 17:48

Did you get multiple cards working?


fedder   2005-04-30 19:53
Yes i got too work with a 9800 and a 7000 Radeon cards in XP

The problems i have, is that you cant get ATI Controlcenter too work. Because it doesn’t support multiple cards. That means that cant use games and video with multiple cards.

In XP its easy to setup the monitors in the windows control option too three monitors.

Then I work with a lot off programs open (word, explore, etc.) I have no problems.

Hope it helped you ??
Pat   2005-05-01 11:38

Thanks for the infromation. Bothe you and Slackmaster K have been helpful.

Which drivers did you use with these cards?

I'm not a gmaer, but interested in video. What problems did you see with the video?

Thank you,

Tom   2005-05-02 10:25
i have a AGP Radeon 9800 Pro and 2 PCI 7500's running fine

My system's details/photo
Slackmaster K   2005-05-03 00:23
You CAN get CCC to work. Just remove one adapter and run the app. You can span two of your screens together. Reinstall the other adapter, and all should be OK except not being able to span anything else. The two spanned screens should stay that way. I'm looking around trying to figure out what files ATI modifies to do this, in hopes of learning how to do it manually.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
fedder   2005-05-03 19:00
Hey Pat.

- You won’t have any problem with drivers!
- The problem with video is the same as games. You can’t, span over all three screens.

Slackmaster K.
I have tried removing one card too get CCC too work, and it is as you describe. I got hl2 too work with 2 screens but got low frames :-( but i forgot to try video with that setup – have you tried that ??

It would be great if you could find a easy way to solve the CCC problem so wee got the span over three or more screens….. :-)

There are rumours that ati will present there new chip (R520) soon. With the new chip it should be possible for ati too have 2 cards (or more?) working like Nvidia “sli”
Have anyone heard if there is goner be better support for multiple cards and s-gamming ??

Mort   2006-08-31 21:50

I recently added a Rage Pro IIC PCI to my existing Radeon 9200 AGP.

I'm had problems too with Control Center. Whenever I tried to change any settings I'd get an .net error message giving me the option to continue or quit the program. I found however that if I chose to continue I was able to carry on changing settings (just had to keep clicking "continue" every few seconds!)

Just a thought.....
WWD   2006-09-07 00:39
Try downloading the latest version of Microsoft .NET software. You have to have .NET to use Catalyst Control Center. This may help.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI says No to two Radeon Products in same Box

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