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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> getting 4 monitor on fx5200 pci/agp setup
Ed   2005-04-30 03:26
I am trying to get a 4 montior setup on a new system . Here are the specs:
abit nf7-s2 mb
msi fx5200 agp
evga fx5200 pci
windows xp home
I am using 71.89 drivers.

Windows sees both cards. But display properties only show the 2 monitors that are connected to one of the cards.
I have tried setting the primary display to have pci or the agp card in the bios and the only monitors to show and work are on the primary card.
I have also disable nvidia's desktop manager.
Ed   2005-04-30 07:58
the pci card is a Jaton fx5200 pci card.
I got my hads on a Mx4000 pci card with one vga and on svideo connections on it. With it windows now can see 3 monitors.

Any Ideas?
Ed   2005-05-06 03:17
Found a fix. I had a friend take a chance at it and I feel dumb now. The problem was, I was using the nvidia driver on both cards and windows could not tell them apart. My friend went back and unistalled the driver and installed the drivers for each card seperately. They showed up as the driver with the brand names. Windows would then see them as two different cards.
I hope this tide bit helps others.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> getting 4 monitor on fx5200 pci/agp setup

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