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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors not working anymore after upgrade! Need help!
Akito   2005-05-04 02:18
Previously I was running a PNY Nvidia Geforce 4 Ti4600 128mb AGP card and a PNY Nvidia Geforce Fx 5200 Pci Card with 3 monitors everything working ok with the Pci Card booting up first in bios.

I upgraded my Agp Card to a BFG Nvidia Geforce 6800 Ultra 256mb card and thats when things went wrong. When booting up with the Pci card in the computer the resolution and the colors for the 6800 were very low. 640 x 400 4bit were talking here. However with the Pci card removed from the mobo it worked fine. I tried just disabling the Pci Card but the 6800 only worked perfectly with the Pci Card physically removed from my mobo. With the Pci card in the Pc, my 6800 says "it is not getting enough resources that it needs to operate". Not too sure what this means. Was hoping if anyone knows what I should do.

Any help or suggestions is most appreciated.
Tantalus   2005-05-04 04:55
>>it is not getting enough resources that it needs to operate

if you're seeing this msg, then there is a hardware or driver conflict of some sort. dbl-check the device in device manager. then you'll need to follow basic "Troubleshooting 101" procedures (changing bios setting changes, removing all cards and reinstalling each one at a time).

best practices...youi should also remove the previous agp card drivers from the system.
Akito   2005-05-04 22:55
I went into troubleshoot and found out that I could possibly reallocate resources that the PCI card uses that are being shared with the AGP card. As I believe the reason the AGP isn't working with the PCI in the computer is because they are sharig resources and the AGP card demands it doesn't. However when trying to click on the tick box to allow manual control over the PCI gfx card resources it won't let me. Does anyone know how to get around this, possibly a 3rd party program that would allow me to define what resources each gfx card uses so that they are not sharing the same resources.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors not working anymore after upgrade! Need help!

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