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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVD Playback not working
batman   2005-05-07 06:19
I have 2 video cards, and 4 monitors. One video card is a Matrox Parhelia 128MB, and the other is a PCI ATI Radeon VE DDR 64MB. Here is my problem. I haev 3 monitors connected to my matrox, with a strech setup (3072 x 768), I have a 4th monitor connected to my ATI with a 1024 x 768 configuration. I am using ultramon (ofcourse!) - my 3 monitors are set to my primary, and the ati one as secondary, so basicaly ultramon sees it as 2 monitor setup. Now here is my problem, when i play dvd's on the matrox monitors, it plays fine, but when i try to play it on my ati monitor, the picture is all messed up. When I switch my primary to the ATI monitor, the dvd works fine, but will nolonger work on my Matrox. Since they are seperate video cards, shouldent they work on both setups?? not at the same time but one session. Any help would be great!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVD Playback not working

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