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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mobile Radion 9800 Dual head question
James   2005-05-07 14:14
Hey all, I recently got another monitor to run with my laptop. Card is MR9800 running Omega divers 2.625.

I want to keep the laptop screen as the primary for when i'm messing about, as i prefer the higher resolution to the 1280x1024 of the external. But when i'm playing games, mainly Counter-strike through Steam, I want to use the external as the primary, as it has a better response time.

I was hoping i would be able to easily swap between the internal and external with ultramon but it wont let me.

I am using Omega drivers with the graphics card and it allows me to switch them around, but it requires going into display properties and messing about.

Can Ultra mon be set to allow the easy swap of primary monitors? Can it also change the resolution when it switches? as the external cannot support the resolution of the internal.

Many thanks in advance.
Slackmaster K   2005-05-07 22:06
If you just want to switch between the two and not use them together, that's easy. Most laptops have a hotkey to switch video outputs. Look for a button that has an icon that looks like a monitor. Usually (Function key + Output Key) will switch it instantly. UltraMon won't do that except allowing you to disable the one you're not using, and it's a bit more involved than a quick keystroke. At best you could macro it and get it in two keystrokes.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mobile Radion 9800 Dual head question

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