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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does Ultramon solve Dualview's problem?
Dodger_   2005-05-09 03:36
I'm looking at Ultramon as a possible solution to my problem: Whenever I go into a full screen application that changes the resolution(such as a game) on the left monitor, all of my windows on both the left and right monitors, shift to the right. Does Ultramon stop this from happening or is this part of Windows and something that can't be fixed? I'm running the Dualview mode on an Nvidia 6600 GT AGP, over DVI on two Dell 2001FPs running at 1600x1200@60Hz on both monitors.
Christian Studer   2005-05-09 04:15
UltraMon does not fix this, but can be useful when implementing a workaround.

See the FAQ for more on the available workarounds.

Christian Studer -
Slackmaster K   2005-05-10 01:38
The problem is that Windows positions each window at absolute coordinates relative to (1,1) which is the top-left pixel of your logical primary monitor. You'll probably need to find a program that will reposition windows again after you switch resolutions. Other workarounds include putting your primary monitor on the right, or moving your windows to the left.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does Ultramon solve Dualview's problem?

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