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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Howto set clone screen to default?
Hermansen   2005-05-09 06:30
I have two Intel graphics card (one internal and one AGP), giving me a DVI and an analogue output. I need to use two screens at times, and at other times just use the one (primary) screen. The problem is, that every time windows is tarted without the second screen being connected, the clone selection is dropped, leading to no image, when the other screen is connected again. This means, that I need to enable clone mode each time, I connect the second screen. Does any body know how to force or in other ways make sure, that clone is always active, when two displays are connected?

I have talked with other people about this, and as far as they could tell me, this is a windows problem, as they were sure, that windows handles the clone feature, when two seperate graphic cards are used. - Can any one till me if this is true?

I hope, that someone can help with a solution - perhaps a registry setting controls this?
Tantalus   2005-05-10 00:28
>>I have talked with other people about this, and as far as they could tell me, this is a windows problem, as they were sure, that windows handles the clone feature, when two seperate graphic cards are used. - Can any one till me if this is true?

this is correct, when more than 1 display display device is configured, Windows does not have a cloning feature, only Extend desktop is possible. you will need other software such as ultramon, etc to do cloning.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Howto set clone screen to default?

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