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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Scr Svr - disable preview mode
Mac   2005-05-10 00:18
Hi, I am running UM 2.5, XP Pro/SP1, FX5200 AGP 128M, Dual DVI FP mon, and flash based screen saver.

The screen saver runs correctly on the primary monitor, but cannot run on the secondary mon because it is set for 'preview mode'. The scr svr does not run in preview mode and the option to disable (un-check) it is 'greyed out' for the secondary monitor. In fact, I cannot disable preview mode for any of the screen savers on the second monitor as I can on the primary mon.

Any suggestions? Reg edit? Command line switch, etc?


"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." -- Carl Sagan
Christian Studer   2005-05-10 09:43
This option can't be enabled, UltraMon uses the screen saver's preview mode in order to run the screen saver on the secondary monitor.

Screen savers which don't have a preview mode, or the preview mode offers only reduced functionality, will not work correctly on secondary monitors with UltraMon.

The only workaround would be to run the screen saver on the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Mac   2005-05-11 00:15
Thnx, Christian.

Is that implemented as sort of a "safe mode" feature to prevent incompatabilities with different video card manufacturers? Or is there a technical limitation that cannot be overcome, say with Windows, or some API?

I'm no programmer and I definitely appreciate the complexity of this utility, but I'd be more than glad to beta this feature in any upcoming version.

Thnx for the info!

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." -- Carl Sagan
Christian Studer   2005-05-11 09:39
The problem is that screen savers don't support running on a specific monitor, so UltraMon has to 'trick' them into doing this.

Screen savers either run only on the primary monitor, or on all monitors if they have native multi-monitor support (for example the screen savers included with Windows).

I might try something new for UltraMon 3, but doubt that there is a better solution to get the screen saver running on the secondary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Staceland   2011-08-02 06:36
I am running ultramon with 3 monitors. The problem I have is that after selecting the screensaver I can click the preview button and the screensaver will span all 3 monitors. But in letting the screensaver engage on its own after the set timer it only spans 2 of the monitors. Any suggestions?
Christian Studer   2011-08-02 08:51
What screen savers do you have assigned to the different monitors?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Scr Svr - disable preview mode

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