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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd monitor warning
RT3   2005-05-11 13:37
Anyone had this one come up before? Have a 660gt pcie paired with a 5500 pci... get windows to load both up but the third monitor (pci card) turns on but displays this warning: (while showing static "this is 85hz override, change computer display to 1280x 1024 60hz" The this is, i cant see the 3rd monitor int the setting dialogue boz nor can I change anything do to with its settings.

madpig   2005-05-12 15:29
change refresh rate to 60 on 3rd monitor
RT3   2005-05-13 02:35
of course that would be the logical thing to do, but I cant get to any of those settings. The video setting dialogue box does not show the thrid monitor at all. I have tried every possible sequence of installation and three dif drivers... all i getin the third monitor is static. If i change the pci to be first in the bios, the pcie card will not work due to lack of resources (code 12) and yet I cant seem to get around this issue either. I imagine its a very simple solution that is just completely over my head right now.

ECarlson   2005-05-13 13:11
Install the latest BIOS on your motherboard, and let us know if that helps. No sense in checking anything else until your BIOS is current, and it only takes a few minutes to download and install. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many hours people (especially computer techs) waste in troubleshooting, when a simple BIOS update is all that's needed.

Checking that you have the latest BIOS should always be near the top of your troubleshooting checklist. And if you're installing a new piece of advanced hardware (like a new video card), or a new OS, you should make sure your BIOS is up to date first.

Of course, you might have already done that. In that case, ignore my post. :-)

- Eric,
RT3   2005-05-16 09:16

no luck with the bios update...seems that there aren't any for my mobo..(asus k8n-dl) it half works with an ati card...but unstable.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3rd monitor warning

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