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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PowerPoint with embedded video clips: malfunction
Max   2005-05-13 19:39
Sorry if these topics are known issues: could not find any reference in the Forum.

First problem:
I use a Dell Latitude D800 with a NVIDIA GeForce4 4200 Go graphic card to do business presentations using videoprojectors (of several types, according to what I find available locally).
For some reason when the PowerPoint slide contains a videoclip (AVI or MPEG) plus other elements (another still picture, some text, whatever) the only image that goes to the videoprojector is the videoclip's one, taking the whole screen. When I switch to the next slide the frequency re-adjusts, and the shown slide contains regularly all its elements.
This seems to be a known problem with Windows Media Player - I was vaguely told - but found no fix till now. Can anyone help, please?

Second problem:
for some mysterious reasons I'm recently not anymore able to convey ANY signal out of the VGA port to some videoprojectors, while it regularly works on other brands or types. The PC will identify the new hardware (by brand and model type!) but will show nothing. Of course I'm reducing the original frequency of my desktop down to a very reasonable 1024x768 size, and ofcourse I play with the Function+F8 in all the three available options, but nothing works.

Any hint, please?

Many thanks, Max
ECarlson   2005-05-14 02:04
Not sure I have solutions, but it sounds like you have your software, or video driver set to display videos full-screen to the second monitor. I think this is a setting you need to change, but I wouldn't know where to look. I've seen it discussed before.

Also, try setting the second video to something like 800x600@60.hz, and see if the projector starts working (you might even try 640x480@60.hz). Some projectors might not handle more than that - check the projector documentation to see what resolution and refresh rate it supports. Many projectors have a native resolution far below 1024x768, so either they can't display that resolution, or they have to make an approximation of the image at their native resolution. Or if they do have a native res of 1024x768, they might require a different refresh rate than you have set.

- Eric,
Max   2005-05-15 06:18
Thanks Eric,
I went through the whole lot of settings and regulations of the NVidia card, and did not find any place where I can set that parameter.

For the second problem I'll reduce to 640x480 my screen before trying again.

This is frustrating, anyway. Ever tried a Mac?

Many thanks, Max
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PowerPoint with embedded video clips: malfunction

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