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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HELP IM GOING MAD WITH AN ATI ALL IN WONDER AND A NVIDIA FX5200 !!
James   2005-05-16 00:14
Im Pulling my hair out !! (what i have left!!)

I have had 2 monitors running on my pc fine until it recently crashed and i had to reboot everything.

now i can not get both my monitors working together as they were before.
i have my main VGA as my ATI card.
and my FX5200 runnng my second screen on a pci.

a freind told me to run my bios as pci, my problem is that im not sure if i am setting my bios up correctly as all i get on my second display is out of range ....
And in Device manager it will not bring up my second monitor (even though it is a basic plug and play(i dont have any drivers for it))

Now when i run it as VGA in bios i can get a display but only 4 colours YES 4 !! and no bigger than 640x480 !! so i was wondering if any one can help me please ..... before i lose all my remaining hair ! cheers
Seahorse   2005-05-16 04:50
I beieve mixing ATI with nVidia doesn't work very well, though I have seen conflicting reports...

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Crow   2005-05-16 22:57
Mixing ATI and nVidia is generally not a problem. It's just important to install the drivers in the right order. In my case the PCI card was an ATI and the AGP was a nVidia. I had to remove all drivers, any of their leftovers and the APG card to get the ATI working properly. Wenn this card worked I reinstalled the APG nVidia card and everything was fine.

So I suggest you should remove the AGP card from your computer, get the PCI card to work and then place the AGP back into its slot.

James   2005-05-17 01:19
Thanks for the suggestions,

as i said i have had it running before so i know the dammed thing works (but a shop set it up for me)

im getting a little confused over VGA and PCI , my ATI is my Primary card so what should my Bios say. I leave it on VGA as this is my primary. in the mean time i will have a go at removing my Fx5200 and then putting it back in once my ATI is sound.(obviously i will remove all of the drivers too!!) Please keep checking back as i will be looking daily !! as it is still driving me mad
James   2005-05-17 07:40
Right this is where i am at the momment,

I unstalled the drivers ..removed the FX5200 card then rebooted, installed the ATI drivers and she worked fine.

shut down inserted back the FX card turned on installed the drivers and nothing !! (note before i installed the graphics card drivers the monitor screen was just blank(as soon as i installed the drivers is said out of range))

ok so the next thing i did was exactlly the same procedure but changed by Bios settings to VGA (first attempt was in PCI) this time the only thing that changed was that i did get the screen to come on but it was in 4 colours only 640x480 !!

right then ... the next thing i did was remove my ATI card and rebooted and my second monitor worked just fine 1280x1024 so i know it is definatly a software issue i just dont know where im going wrong...

could some of the old drivers remain on my computer after the uninstall ? and am i setting the Bios up correctly ? i dont know what else to do bar smash it up !! lol any help would be very much appriated ... regards james
James   2005-05-17 12:19
ok i read some previous forums and i downloaded driver cleaner pro from removed both sets of drives and re tried with the bios set to AGP it installed fine and to my amazment both monitors worked grand !!

however when i started my tv or a game it would run on my poor fx 5200 and not my ATI , so i changed the Bios to PCI and i lost the signal again ?? and didnt want to mess up what i already got so i changed the Bios back to AGP and it is still working fine bar the graphics card problem i.e not using my primary graphics card !! any one have any sugestions ??
Crow   2005-05-18 08:39
You can select which display to be the primary in display settings (no matter what is selected in the BIOS). This should solve your problem.
james   2005-05-18 09:22
Hi Crow,
i have read some of your previous posts in particullar

i even printed it out as this was what happend to me.. i had the -1 by -1 pixel come up to.

i followed the sequence that you suggested but when i play a game it uses the poorer graphics card (which is crap !!).. so i then swaped it over to AGP in bios and it then does not recognize my second poorer card all together.(nor the monitor) and it says it is there in my device manager ? but even when i go to proporties settings(desktop) it is not listed there either.

So to get both monitors working i have to run the bios in PCI but it is using my crap (FX5200) which is very confusing and frustrating for me.. as when i want to play a game i shutdown change the bios then play the game !! what do you suggest my freind !!
Crow   2005-05-19 03:10
As I said before:
Don't change the BIOS settings once it's working.

To change the display games are using change the settings in "display settings" in windows. Set the display you want to use to "primary" there.
james   2005-05-19 06:09
Hi Crow....

I did/Tried what you suggested it doesnt work.

I have my main 24inch monitor as primary selected and my 19 inch tft as extend onto this monitor.

Still when i open a game it flashes onto my primary for a milli second and then opens on my extended monitor. even if i .. Alt/tab and drag the game over to my main monitor you can tell it is using the poor graphics card it is that slow and un responsive..

i think i will eventually re-install windows and set up my monitors first before doing anything and follow your old forum to the tee..

not unless you have any more ideas ??

i am not going to reboot windows for another 3-4 days as im waiting for my recovery disk to come in the post.. until then i will endevor to keep going hairless fast !! lol ,

But im open to more suggestions...

Long Live the Queen !!
teamgt   2005-08-01 00:28
here is how to fix it you need to use catilyst 4.6 nothing after that will work and for nvidia the 44.03 drivers are the last ones that will work no newer drivers can have ati and nvidia cards working together
Doanster   2005-08-02 15:11
Have you tried installing the PCI card first before the AGP card, as suggested?
TELEKON   2005-08-12 05:24
The last post is correct. ATI "broke" multi-monitor support in their newer drivers. I had the same problem as you, and did everything you did to fix it to no avail. You HAVE to use the old ATI drivers. I called ATI and they basically did not want to talk to me as soon as I mentioned the words "multi-monitors". They curtly said they didn't support it and that was that. By the way, the problem lies squarely with ATI. Even two ATI cards will give you the same problem,(I know, I've tried).
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HELP IM GOING MAD WITH AN ATI ALL IN WONDER AND A NVIDIA FX5200 !!

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