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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K laptop w/Mobility 9000, want true multi-monitor, "Special workarounds"
neonfrog   2005-05-17 05:53
I have a Toshiba Tecra S1 with ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 and I am experiencing the exact problem noted in this post:

To sum up: "Due to a limitation in Windows 2000, dualhead cards that use a single chipset to drive both monitors require ***special workarounds*** in the driver to be properly recognized by the system. If these workarounds are not implemented, Windows 2000 sees a single large monitor instead of two."

So my question is simple: what are the special workarounds?

ATI is mute on the whole Mobility chipset issue. I have tried DriverHeaven's DH tool with the latest Catalyst drivers to no avail. I have tried MutiRes and PowerBar. Anyone have any ideas on how to get this system be able to set an *independent* resolution on the 2nd monitor?

Will UltraMon do it?

Will the OmegaDrivers do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
AL   2005-07-20 04:20
I'd love to hear about any solutions as well...
Christian Studer   2005-07-20 07:59
The workaround needs to be implemented by the driver developer, there is no other way to fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K laptop w/Mobility 9000, want true multi-monitor, "Special workarounds"

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