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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> beginner questions and spanning monitors
Aaron   2005-05-18 06:01
I browsed the FAQ and have done some google searching, but have yet to find a suitable answer or solution. I'm a novice to mulitple monitors, but understand how they work, and how to get them to work. I've got a specific use I would like to see if I can get answered.

My son's computer is running Win98SE. It currently has 1 monitor, but I have the opportunity at getting 3 additional monitors for free (all same brand, model). I would like to assmble the 4 monitors into a large single view monitor type system. Basically, instead of having a huge desktop, or program specific to each monitor, I want everything to span all 4 monitors. So instead of a single 15'' monitor, I would like a "single 30''" monitor (made up for 4 monitors arranged in a square). Is there a way to accomplish this. He mainly does gaming and surfing on his computer, and it would be super cool to see his game played seemlessly over all 4 monitors.

I know that I need the same vid card for each monitor, all refresh rates, etc...all the same. But is what I'm wanting even possible? I'm working on a fairly tight budget, but don't want to see the free monitors pass me by either.

Thanks in advance for your help.
ECarlson   2005-05-18 14:42
Basically, no - all your requirements will not be met.

Yes, you can have one big square desktop, and for example, you could stretch your browser window, or an Excel document over all 4 monitors, but if you want to run a 3D accellerated game over all 4 screens - not likely to happen. Even displaying a video over all 4 might be an issue, because it is not likely that you can simultaneously do video overlay on all 4 monitors - You might be able to do non-overlay video over all 4, which might, or might not be acceptable.

If you can get this stuff for very little money, then go for it anyway, because it's fun to have, ad you'll quickly learn what can and cannot be done.

Since you have to use Extended Desktop mode, you can have different settings for each monitor, and in any case, there's no technical requirement for the monitors to be all the same brand and/or model, in fact, they could all be wildly different if you wanted.

And, no, you don't need the same vid card for each monitor. Your best bet would probably be a decent couple of dual-out vid cards (most cards, except the cheapest, these days are dual-out), one AGP (if you have APG), and one PCI, but if you already happen to have a an AGP card and a bunch of single-out PCI cards, you could try them first.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> beginner questions and spanning monitors

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