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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cont. Optimizing # of graphics on 4 monitors
Ann B.   2005-05-20 03:11
Thanks, Eric, for the reply. The message that comes up when trying to open the 62nd chart is that the maximum numbers of windows has been reached - Resource Error. We have been told by the trading platform people that the platform doesn't present this problem - that it is probably the limitation of the windows operating system.

We are novices at using graphics and multiple monitors - we just want to do what we can for as little money as possible. We are aware of systems with double processors, etc., but want to make the system we have work for our needs if we can.

Ann B.
Christian Studer   2005-05-20 04:53
Windows does limit the number of open windows, I've also run into this frequently myself.

It's possible to increase this limit though, see this thread for more information.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2005-05-21 01:52
Christian: Thanks for providing the technical info and the fix. Maybe you should add it to the FAQ, since multi-monitor users are more likely than single monitor users to open a large quantity of windows.

- Eric,
Christian Studer   2005-05-22 06:47
Good idea, I'll add that to the FAQ.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cont. Optimizing # of graphics on 4 monitors

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