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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Controlling Which Monitor is #1
Bob   2005-05-22 08:14
I have a Matrox G450 PCI DualHead adapter. It provides one DVI port and one analog. Is it possible to control which monitor is #1. Because of space constraints I can't just swap the positions of the FP and CRT monitors.

Thanks, Bob
ECarlson   2005-05-22 08:37
Yes, you can set which is primary, and you can put the monitors in any configuration you want. Assuming you're using Extended Desktop mode, like I am, you can drag and drop the monitors wherever you want in Windows Display Properties. If you're using Span mode, then you can change the positions using the Matrox driver software.

- Eric,
Bob   2005-05-22 10:06
Thank you for the suggestion Eric, but it did not seem to work. My flatpanel is to the left of the CRT. The flatpanel is #1. That's where the task bar is and where new windows open. If I drag and drop to change the positions of the monitors the flatpanel still has the task bar and new windows still open on it. The only thing that changes is that when I move the mouse to the right edge of the flatpanel it stops there, and when I move it to the left edge of the flatpanel it then appears on the right edge of the CRT.

But ... I just discovered that if I right click on a monitor in Display Settings I can specify which monitor is the "primary". (This is probably what you meant.) That seems to have changed where new windows open, but did not, yet, change the location of the task bar. I suspect that will change after I re-boot. Which I will do now and post a followup.

Thanks Eric, Bob
ECarlson   2005-05-22 12:49
Sounds like you mostly got it. You probably have to move your icons and taskbar manually (drag and drop). And sometimes, you have to unlock your taskbar before it can be moved. They don't always move to the new primary monitor by themselves.

- Eric,
Bob   2005-05-23 00:47
After I re-booted, the desktop and its icons moved to the primary monitor. The task bar remained on the other monitor so I had to drag it to the primary monitor. All is as I want it now. Thank you Eric for making me take another look at Display/Settings.

Thanks, Bob
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Controlling Which Monitor is #1

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