Russell 2005-05-23 10:35
I need atleast 3 DVI outputs at 1280 x 1024.
Im running windows 2000 and I have no specific graphics card in mind.
2D graphic design is my only requirement.
Tantalus 2005-05-23 13:36
dual dvi output on a single card will put you in the pricer end of the video cards and if you want 3-4 outputs on a single card will run you even more. your cheapest option would be to use two dual-output cards.
nvidia and matrox makes several models that do dual, triple, or quad dvi support. in that category, ati has a slightly lesser rep.
Russell 2005-05-24 08:14
So is their any reason I cant use
3 X SAPPHIRE RADEON 7000 64M PCI Cards !
Seems the cheapest option.
Tantalus 2005-05-24 14:02
the more pci cards you have in the system the greater than chances of resource contention. at the very least, you will probably see noticeable 'breaks' on some displays if you watch any type of streaming video or dvd.
i don't recommend that you go that route, but you're certainly welcome to try it.