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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI-E Triple Display Spanning
David Piatek   2005-05-24 23:22
I have an SLI setup (in non-SLI mode) with x3 LCD's attached to x2 6600GT graphics cards. I want to be able to apply windows span mode to all three monitors so it looks like one large display. However, as others have tried, I am only able to apply the span mode to the two LCDs attached to the same card.

My question is WHY? Is there no alternative workaround or hack? It would seem that the operating system would be the limiting factor and not the motherboard or graphics cards. With Quake 3 in 3840x1024 window mode, you can play across all three monitors with full graphics acceleration. So with this same concept, shouldn't it be possible to have Windows just treat the display as one?

David Piatek
Slaughterer   2005-05-31 14:58
I'm trying to do the same thing but with an Nvidia 6800 AGP and an Nvidia FX5200 PCI. Let me know if you find a way, and I'll do the same. I started a thread at PlanetQuake but over there people just say "I don't think it's possible" which is not helpful at all. Prove that it's not, or prove that it is. Speculation doesn't help.

The closest I've gotten is to run the game in a 3840x1024 window that spans the three monitors. The window border is visible on all three monitors, but it contains just blackness on either one monitor or two, depending on which one I designate primary. Whichever card is controlling the primary display gets to draw on all of its monitors.

I'm still looking for a way.

Let me know if you want more details.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI-E Triple Display Spanning

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