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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI & Nvidia spanning problems
TBird   2005-05-30 00:54
Hi, need some help, about to go mad aftre days of searching and attempting to get spanning accross 3 monitors, hardware as follows:

ATI x600 PCI-e
Nvidia 5600 PCI.

Tried with FS2004 but when I maximise the main window it shrinks the others! Can get in to work otherwise.

Really trying to span monitors and have installed multi mon, Catalyist 5.5, nview, almost everything! Desktop works fine but want to play games in surround.

Anyone out there with any ideas please post and save me from this frustration!! I'll post info when I get back home to machine if reqd..

Cheers all, Tbird
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI & Nvidia spanning problems

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