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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cheapest dual DVI graphics card
Russell   2005-06-06 22:46

Can anyone tell me what is the cheapest dual output, both must be dvi, graphics card is.

I dont need 3d.

zima   2005-06-27 00:16
The cheapest I know of is Matrox P650
ECarlson   2005-06-27 11:00
Dual DVI cards start at $129 at NewEgg, and go up from there. They have 76 cards listed. It also depends on whether you need PCI, AGP, or PCI-Express.

Of course, you could get 2 VGA/DVI cards for well under half that.

The Matrox P650 AGP is $152, but they have a refurb for only $80.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cheapest dual DVI graphics card

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