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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> setup 4 independent video outs
Mr J   2001-05-29 00:13
Hi all, I'm working on a video installation project that requires the capability to set 4 separate areas within one 1024x768 desktop area (using zoom and pan) and then have each of the 4 set areas go out independently to 4 separate TV
screens (i.e. 4 x composite PAL video-outs, each one zoomed from the 1024x768 desktop).

Options seem to be:
1. 4 x PCI cards with zoom and video-out (such as Matrox G450 PCI or ATI all-in-wonder radeon PCI)

2. one PCI card with 4 video-outs, each zoomable (still looking for one of these)

3. single monitor card and 4 external scan converters (a bit pricey)

Does anyone have any suggestions/experience/comments? Does Win98SE support four G450 PCI cards in one PC, with each card set to the same 1024x768 desktop area, but with each of the four cards dualhead video outputs set to zoom into separate areas of the 1024x768 desktop area?

Hope someone out there can help. Thks - Julian
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> setup 4 independent video outs

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