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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot find information on running (quake3 engined) games in Windows Mode
John   2005-06-12 13:05
I have found tons of FAQs, forums, etc. that all say to run (specifically, Jedi Academy) in Windows mode. But I cannot figure out how to actually *do* that.

Most programs launch into windows mode by default, but many games launch into fullscreen. And I can't find any documentation on how to switch (other than alt-tab which dosen't work).

I'm running win2k.

Slaughterer   2005-06-13 14:36
We've been discussing this topic in a couple other threads here. JBigger provided lovely instructions at his website, complete with pictures. Look for the thread called "Multimonitor 3D gaming & PCIe." Even if you may not be using PCIe, the answers you seek are there.
Slaughterer   2005-06-13 14:39
Though JBigger states it on his website, and I think in the other forum, I'll reiterate one particular point here.

The ability to run id games across two Nvidia graphics cards only worked with their older drivers. That's why I hadn't had any luck, even though I was doing everything right.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot find information on running (quake3 engined) games in Windows Mode

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