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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resolution Looks like $#!&
D   2005-06-12 14:45
ok- I have a nice ViewSonic VP171b 17" flatpanel monitor, and just bought a new Samsung 7309B 17" flatpanel tonight- installed on a new Radeon7000. The Viewsonic I have hooked up as DVI, while the Samsung as VGA. The Samsung looks great. My viewsonic looks like a tv does when you hook it up to a computer- resolution is crappy, can barely read the text, all pixelated, etc. The driver's are installed and updated correctly, so I really don't know what else this could be. It's looks like an analog display or something. This monitor was just looking great on the last system, so I KNOW it's not the monitor itself.

OH- and during bootup, the text on the screen (in Dos mode when it's running RAM tests and whatnot) looks GREAT on both screens. As soon as Windows boots up to the login screen, the resolution drops to crap. Even during the windowsXP splash screen, it looks great- but hits the login screen and it immediately drops resolution. This confirms to me that its NOT the monitor. It sounds like a wrong setting, or bad driver, but everything it set correctly, as far as I can tell.

And yes, I even bought an adapter to drop the DVI to VGA, and it looks the same. So that's not the problem. And yes, I have dropped the screen resolution down to 800x600, and nothing changes- same ol crappy resolution. I'm running them both at 1024.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to correct this?
Thanks a ton!
jbigger   2005-06-14 09:35
Have you tried switching the monitor inputs?
Im curious, Does the Samsung behave this way as DVI?
ECarlson   2005-06-16 01:12
17" LCD computer monitors should be set to 1280x1024@60.hz. See it that fixes it.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resolution Looks like $#!&

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