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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning a DVD Player window over both screens?
Helmut   2005-06-16 21:33
I've googled and searched for hours now, but I don't find a definite answer.

What I want are two 17" TFTs to both display half a part of the same DVD player window, so basically they need to work like a videowall.

I don't want the same on both (not clone mode) I want the right half of the DVD on the right screen, and the left half of the DVD on the left screen.

Using WinMediaplayer I found that I can drag and stretch a video window over both screens, but only if I disable hardware acceleration. If not disabled, only one screen will actually show the video, the other half is black.

I guess that means with this setup, only one screen at any time is hardware-accelerated. Is there an option to activate hardware accel for both screens at the same time?
ECarlson   2005-06-17 11:58
If you have a single video card, have you tried span mode instead of extended desktop mode? I know NVidia and Matrox cards both have that mode, and in some cases ATI has it.

Span mode is where Windows is fooled into thinking you have one really large monitor, instead of 2 separate monitors like Extended Desktop mode.

- Eric,
Helmut   2005-06-17 14:11
I suppose span mode is a feature of Ultramon software? I haven't bought that yet, but arguable it seems like the best solution. If windows thinks it is one monitor it would definitly work best for DVD playback.
ECarlson   2005-06-18 13:25
No, span mode is a feature of the video card drivers. It doesn't require any 3rd-party utilities.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning a DVD Player window over both screens?

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