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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What do you use your extra monitors for?
Nebben   2005-06-17 19:57
Kind of ridiculous, but I'm trying to find more uses for my extra monitors. The main reason I decided to set up my 3-monitor setup is for gaming and also having instant messaging / irc open, as well as Winamp. It's also useful for doing stuff in Excel, working on papers so that I can have my document open and also read source materials without moving any windows around. Also very handy for playing poker online.

But I'm looking for other stuff to do, mainly with my third monitor. I often find it being unused if I'm not doing any of the above. Usually whatever I'm actively doing is on my middle monitor, chat/winamp is on the right one, and the left one is very lonely.
Maskd   2005-06-18 01:15
I normally watch movies when I have my other monitor hooked up, although you normally only see half the movie as your attention isnt always on it, good for watching stuff that you only want to glance at. Other than that, I can't really see the use of the 3rd monitor, as I only have 2.
Eddyisgreat   2005-06-18 05:04
Well, i'm a visual fx artist , and the program i use (discreet's combustion) supports up to four moniters (i've only done 3, but usually two). If my comp dosn't call for me to need to veiw 2 different versions, C* only gets on moniter and with my crappy tv tuner card / AV > DV passthrough on my digi cam , i might watch CNN or something.
ECarlson   2005-06-18 13:49
At work, as a programmer/network administrator, if I had a 3rd monitor, I'd just use it as additional workspace. Since I often have multiple applications running, some with multiple windows open, I can use all the desktop space I can get.

Unfortunately, I can't fit a third 17" CRT on my desk at work, but I could probably fit three 19" LCD monitors on my desk - if only I could convince my company to buy them for me - even just two 19" LCD monitors would be a big improvement, and they're under $300 these days (I paid $230 for my Dell 1905FP).

At home, I'm mostly using the primary monitor, and I put things like WinAmp, or WinSCP (to monitor an active file transfer), etc. on the second monitor. For myself, I don't see much need at the moment for a 3rd monitor at home, except perhaps when I'm working from home.

- Eric,
Tantalus   2005-06-20 14:18
>>Kind of ridiculous, but I'm trying to find more uses for my extra monitors

you can't 'find' more uses for your is, what it is. that's like asking people what do they use their cars for...different people will give different answers.

i have a dual display at work and a tri-display at home. the dual at work config is heavily used...i could probably use a third display, but my desk already has 3 monitors on it (the dual display + a single connected to a separate pc).

all three displays at home display are probably only used maybe 30-40% of the time and that's only if i'm doing some serious work related stuff (virtual computing or multiple remote administrative sessions). or if i want to relax with a dvd on #3. generally, i get by with just two, powered on.
Slackmaster K   2005-06-20 16:12
Having five one one system, I've found many uses for them. Generally I have a full-screen video running on the TV and one screen for "background tasks" such as IM, file transfers, E-mail, task manager, etc etc. The remaining three are spread among active tasks. Generally I have a few web browsers open. I also remote-desktop into my other machines, which results in 2-4 MSTSC windows open at a time, consuming one screen. When I run PhotoShop or similar editors, I keep the toolbars and unneccessary clutter on the near side of the next monitor over. Also, in CAD design, instead of having the standard 4-up view on one screen, it's useful to stretch each perspective out to an entire screen (while still watching video on the TV). More advanced software (development; i.e. MS Visual Studio) have alot of windows that take up alot of space.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Max   2005-06-22 02:04
flight simulator multiple views.

kind of this :
Russell   2005-06-25 04:05
I have multimonitor system purely so I dont have to use the taskbar to switch between applicationss.
Seahorse   2005-06-25 12:04
Monitor 1 is where winamp, ICQ, Konfabulator etc run - sort of a glorified taskbar. Monitor 2 is my main work/surf/game area. Monitor 3 is for email & secodary applications run - Paint Shop Pro etc when I doining something...

Rgds Mike
Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What do you use your extra monitors for?

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