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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Uninstalling drivers for only one of two Geforce cards without removing both?
Deam   2005-06-19 03:17
I have a PCI-E 6600GT, and a PCI FX5200. Whenever I uninstall the FX5200, the 6600 uninstalls too. (Makes sense, since they are likely sharing the same drivers). Is there a way to keep the drivers while uninstalling one of the two cards?

Also, to get them to work, I had to put in the FX5200 AFTER I had the drivers for the 6600GT up and running. Is there a better way which doesn't require removal of the PCI card (such as when I want to upgrade the drivers?)
Tantalus   2005-06-20 14:31
>>I have a PCI-E 6600GT, and a PCI FX5200. Whenever I uninstall the FX5200, the 6600 uninstalls too. (Makes sense, since they are likely sharing the same drivers). Is there a way to keep the drivers while uninstalling one of the two cards?

i fail to see why you would want to uninstall the driver for one. and if you pull the fx5200 from the system, device manager treats it as a phantom don't need to remove the driver though you might want to consider setting the display proerties back to 1 display just toprevent mouse drift.

>>Also, to get them to work, I had to put in the FX5200 AFTER I had the drivers for the 6600GT up and running.

this isn't that's more of a pain in the butt than anything else. but a number of people have had to do this to get their cards to work...
Deam   2005-06-21 13:18
Well, I do it sometimes when the gremlins in my computer come out to play and the fx5200 suddenly stops functionion.

I guess I could just pull it out. I was simply interested to find out if there is a way to treat the drivers as separate entities. I wonder if using different versions would work.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Uninstalling drivers for only one of two Geforce cards without removing both?

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