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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> free multimon software (research project)
Duke Hutchings   2005-06-20 03:30
I'm (still) actively recruiting multiple monitor users to run some research software in their everyday work environments. If you are interested in this project, please visit the website:

Due to federal regulations, I am required to provide the following formal announcement. However, all of the information that you need is on the website.

Note that our software will not interfere with UltraMon and that I have the permission of Christian Studer (the creator of UltraMon) to make this post.

-- Formal Announcement --

We are writing to ask if you are interested in participating in research about multiple monitor interfaces. We will be conducting some experiments over the next year or so that test new interfaces that we are in the process of building. We are currently collecting names and addresses of current multiple monitor users that might be interested in trying our interfaces and participating in experiments.

Please read more information and requirements on our web page:

If you are a multiple monitor user and you are interested in being listed as a potential participant in a future experiment, please read the consent form linked off the page listed above.

Once you have read the statement and would like to be included in the list of possible participants, send an email to Duke Hutchings: He will keep your name and email address in a private electronic list protected by a password. If at any time you desire to have your name removed from the list, please email Duke directly stating your desire.

Even though we are only collecting names at this point, you have rights as a potential research participant that are outlined in the consent form. If you cannot read the form from the website, you may request a written copy by emailing Duke or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the following address:

Duke Hutchings
ATTN: MM Experiments
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> free multimon software (research project)

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