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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setting primary monitor
John Carpenter   2005-06-26 19:54

I am running Windows 2003 Server Standard on my laptop (a Compaq Evo N1015v). I have a RADEON IGP 320M driver.

If I go to the display properties and right click my 2nd monitor the option to set it as the Primary monitor is greyed out. This is also the case in Ultramon.

Does anyone know why and if there is a way to change this?

I guess it's a problem with my display drivers, could be because they are XP drivers and I am using 2003. The latest driver wouldn't install for me so I had to go to the prior version. I have had this working in the past, so I know it can be done, but I haven't got the faintest idea how I managed it.

Any help would be really appreciated!


John Carpenter   2005-07-31 21:00
Well I have now had to reinstall to Windows XP, and I have installed the latest graphics drivers, but I still cannot change my primary monitor.

Any ideas?!
John Carpenter   2005-08-04 03:41
Well, I finally figured it out.

1. Turn off "extend to desktop" and apply changes.

2. Press Fn+F4 to switch monitors. (I guess this might be specific to my laptop?)

3. Turn "extend to desktop" back on.
Grateful Reader   2005-08-09 23:15
This is just what I needed! Thanks!
Dave B   2005-09-13 11:57
Brilliant! Thanks for the info. I've been pulling my hair out for an hour trying every setting......except that one.

Thanks again!!

Bernd   2005-10-12 21:53
Hi John,
thanks alot. Just what I needed.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setting primary monitor

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