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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> On Board Graphics Card
kostas   2005-07-06 04:05
I posted a note before regarding 3 monitors set ups. (Didnt had any replies, but did some search on my own...).

I have a Aopen Aeolous 6800 Ultra and ofcourse 2 x 19 inch flat panels (they both use digital connectors). If I add a third monitor to the on board slot for Panels would this work? And if so, are there any changes on the BIOS I should be aware of?

I would appreciate anyones help....
ECarlson   2005-07-06 11:49
If your computer has an AGP slot, then you don't want to use an AGP video card, because it will most likely disable the onboard video, because the onboard video probably already uses the AGP bus. If you have PCI slots, then any PCI video card should work.

- Eric,
kostas   2005-07-07 04:39
I am afraid its not up to me...My company got the PC for me and I had no say in what they get...(good enough though, the pc is top notch!)

Thanks for your help.
ECarlson   2005-07-07 13:34
What's not up to you? I was answering your first question about what additional card would work and what wouldn't.

- Eric,
kostas   2005-07-07 22:13
I apologise for the missunderstanding...what i meant is I am not willing to put any of my cash on the PC, hence if the on board graphics don't work with the AGP one, then thats fine. I will settle with 2 monitors.

Thanks for your help.
ECarlson   2005-07-08 12:37
So, they already bought an AGP card. Maybe someone there has an old PCI card sitting around you could use for the 3rd monitor if the AGP doesn't work.

It might still be worth trying the AGP card, but I don't hold much hope for it to work at the same time as the on-board video. If it does work, please post the details here.

- Eric,
kostas   2005-07-12 03:35
I did actually tried to put a PCI Graphics for secondary. But didn't work. I also tried to update my bios but realised that had the latest version. So i think AGP with PCI does not work...(unless i didn't get the correct card). I will just settle for 2 monitors for the moment.

Thanks for your help.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> On Board Graphics Card

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