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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual head gf 6800gt only detects 1 monitor
Nikolaj   2005-07-10 06:02
I have a problem with my Asus GeForce 6800GT, after using the tv-out function last night, i now cant seem to get it back to using two monitors, windows only detects 1 output.

But the really weird thing is, that i can actually get both outputs to function, one at a time, forinstance if i unplug monitor A it will boot up and activate monitor B, and the other way around, so clearly both outputs are functional.

Also if i go to the tab in the nview setup, I can still choose dualview, horizontal span and clone, but only with either monitor A and tv, or monitor B and tv.

I've done a fresh install of windows XP and installed latest nvidia drivers, still no change.

Any Ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual head gf 6800gt only detects 1 monitor

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