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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors, PCI picture quality is poor
jay   2005-07-10 06:47

I have a 3 monitor setup, 2 monitors on an ATI 9600xt and 1 monitor on a ATI 7000 PCI. The picture quality on the PCI card is quite poor compared to the other two monitors and the colours are also off. I realize that the 9600 is a better card but for the quality is dramtically different for simple stuff like web browsing. Is there any way to fix this?


- Jay
zima   2005-07-13 07:37
Yes there is - changing to diffent card (assuming you are certain that #3 monitor is OK: you can check this by attaching it to 9600). The quality of picture depends largery on quality of circuity on the board (not only on the RAMDAC, but of course also...). Many cheap 7000 are horrible in that respect.
Hint: Matrox has had consistant high quality picture from a long time, I personally use G450 PCI and it's great (and cheap now too)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors, PCI picture quality is poor

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